(At least 404 horse is someone still watching the blog - a photo from mine not so long ago)
You don't expected myself writing there after... around 12 years after. In fact, let me clean all the spiders around there (well, not really, it's a web page, but at least I cleaned all those broken imageshack (RIP) URL's and broken stuff cof cof*).
Let's assume like nothing happened and let's do a little life resume, such as the good old times.
I said at that era that good things were coming in a new, shiny blog hosted at my new purchased domain at the time - elsemieni.net, hosted in a crappy hosting company around somewhere (I would love to talk about that in a future post)... Well, that didn't worked obviously, but while that happened, something called life happened.
You know, the typical cliche stuff, studies, studies, more studies (if you ever doubt), got my professional title, learning a lot of weird stuff, seeing things at internet fall, while others arising (I'm talking to you Forums, Instagram and Discord), getting old, start having my hair grow, cut, grow again, cut again (definitively keeping it short), the auge of EasyRPG Player, helping friends we knew in game making groups publishing games into Steam (anothern topic I will love to talk in another post, with permission of Netherware entertainment ), had a good time making some homebrew scene ROMs (this and this), made a lot of stuff with Phaser and Raylib , discovered the demoscene (and figuring I'm too lamer for being there still) and still making weird stuff with RPG Maker, (which includes some games too ) falling into that thing called love twice (then lots of character development canon-histories), life decisions, a pandemic, wishes of flew up the continental country (and failed again haha), ending working in a dream-job in the middle of nowhere monitoring 66 antennas in a some sort of astronomical complex... and a loooooooooong list of etc.
(An example of weird experiments making last years with RPG Maker... yeah, still on that world)
You will see, life happened. And that was intense for saying at least.
But something is missing here. Something I missed for a while in all those years, specially with the fallout of forums systems, at the fun being at RPG Maker communities... a place for sharing nerdy things. Yeah, I know, I'm getting old and maybe I'm not into those tiktok stuff or maybe not knowing how to share bulky stuff in those fast chat systems such as being a Youtuber, or joining Discord communities. (tried, failed, but found some nice communities with ever nice people where I still I'm into).
Okay, I guess I need to re-start publishing my nerdy stuff here at Blogger. I know, it's an outdated thing but hey! It works! (Well, still... hope Google will not wipe it in the next years in middle-terms). I linked to my homepage and domain ( https://elsemieni.net ). Probably almost nobody reads those posts but... hey! It's a least a place where I can dump my stuff without staying in volatile systems (I'm talking to you Wordpress!) or volatile social platforms.
I want to talk about weird stuff I make sometimes, RPG Maker mainly, projects, music, etc. Knowing that probably making community here will be a bit difficult, at least it's a safe place where put things :) Anyways, also I guess you already noticed, after all those years, I think I'm able to write in english (a bit crappy sometimes, but it works! And no, I will resist myself to use gramarly or similar stuff like that), so from here It will be my main blog language. Hope you don't get mad about :D (And if you are, well, it's not my ducking problem).
I won't warrantee you that I publish stuff in a regular basis (even there is the chance that I will never touch the blog again once in 12 years), but I will try to when I do stuff at the life.
So, nothing more to say, welcome again to EN.I's blog! Or EN.I's tabern (Or elsemieni's blog... but I don't want to be confused again with ElSemi from the emulation retro scene which is someone else much more talented than me hehe...)
PS1. Post'datas abbreviature sounds like PlayStation, huh?
PS2. Did not wanted fancy themes now for the blog, but also did not wanted something too liberalish. Just wanted something that works.
PS3. As you can see, lots of good old RPG Maker communities just dissapreared over the time. If you want to hang out with good old friends, join us to Comunidad RPG Maker.es community at Discord https://discord.gg/3fkteJJ (Or Matrix.org if you are electro-anarchic https://matrix.to/#/#rpgmaker.es:matrix.org #rpgmaker.es:matrix.org )
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